Apr 18, 2021
One of the reasons why we need more women in STEM is to help bridge the income gap between men and women around the world. STEM jobs pay ~34% more than average job in the US & financial freedom that these jobs can afford can give women the opportunity to have a seat at all the tables.
Our guest today, Nikki Beesetti is a crypto currency enthusiast, IG influencer and works full time as a Product Manager at a popular tech company. She is passionate about financial literacy for women and educating women about the opportunities in crypto.
Nikki has a great back story on how BITCOIN changed her life and how it can do the same for you! In this conversation, we will discuss all things crypto and learn all about Nikki’s STEM story.
Follow Nikki IG: @hellonikkib Website: hellonikkib.com Follow Host IG: @prashadutra Website:prashadutra.com